Visit our office in the Alumni Memorial University Center (AMUC 110), 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Friday unless otherwise noted.
Mission, Philosophy, and Scope of Service
The mission of the Office of Respect is to work with key stakeholders to eradicate sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence to create a safer, healthier campus where all students can learn, grow, and thrive. This occurs through education, bystander intervention training, crisis intervention, advocacy, policy development, and supportive peer networks.
In support of this mission, we offer 24-hour support resources for Emory students impacted by interpersonal violence. We aim to provide support; help students learn about their options and rights; assist with safety planning; provide legal and medical accompaniment; and/or offer academic assistance.
Examples of advocacy broadly defined: Please speak to an advocate to learn more about how advocacy services can be customized to fit your needs.
Legal: Consultation on criteria for obtaining a Temporary Protective Order (TPO). Education on the process for obtaining a TPO. Coordination of care in obtaining the order from the appropriate court jurisdiction.
Medical: Coordination of care around forensic exam collection appointments, connection to follow-up medical and mental health care services.
Academic: Physical or virtual accompaniment to appointments with faculty/staff for support, assistance with articulating and recognizing the impact of trauma as it relates to challenges faced as the student completes their studies, referrals to academic offices to best assist with students needs for additional support.
We end violence by ending oppression.
Intimate partner violence, regardless if it is one instance or years of abuse, involves a perpetrator establishing control over the survivor by relying on systems of oppression. However, sexual assault and relationship violence can be perpetrated against anyone regardless of her/his/hir gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, race, socioeconomic status, religion, ability, country of origin, or education level. Sexual assault and relationship violence are pervasive public health problems, but they are not inevitable.
We define sexual violence as any form of unwanted sexual contact obtained without consent and/or obtained through the use of force, threat of force, intimidation, or coercion. Relationship violence is a pattern of behavior used by a perpetrator to gain and maintain power over their intimate partner/s. This may include physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, sexual, verbal, psychological, and/or economic abuse. Relationship violence is sometimes referred to as dating violence or intimate partner violence (IPV). Abusive or violent acts can also be considered relationship violence if they occur between people who were previously dating, in a relationship, or engaging in sexual activity with each other.
The Office of Respect staff members value survivors’ safety by empowering them and reinforcing their autonomy and self-determination.
Why do we say “survivor?” We often hear various terms used to describe a person who has experienced sexual assault. Among them are “victim” and “survivor.” While people who have experienced or are experiencing sexual violence are victims, they are also in a constant state of “surviving” the experience. The idea of survival carries within its definition the ongoing fight to live or “survive” a traumatizing experience, a process that includes dealing with a multitude of feelings and health consequences. Furthermore, a survivor will also have to cope with living in a society in which victim blaming is rampant. In light of these circumstances, we refer to anyone coping with the aftermath of sexual assault or who has survived or is surviving an abusive relationship a “survivor.”